
undefined Alban Dautaj
Surname Dautaj
First name Alban
Pseudonym -
Date of birth 18.06.1990
Born in 1990
Size 184
Nationality Sweden
Position Forward
Club Irsta IF
A-National player no
Views 14023
Alban Dautaj

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Alban Dautaj plays in junior-allsvenska wich is the highest league for 17-20 years old talents in sweden so far he has done 15 goals in 7 games(and 10 as.) and he has a great fri-kick talent. His team is average in this country but thanks to him they are runners-up for the title. The team has made totaly 29 goals and he has been involved in 25 of them, if you count by the goals and assist. He is an outstanding talent who is still waiting for his break-through. (Fremdangabe)

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