
undefined Alex Bernardes
Surname Bernardes
First name Alex
Pseudonym -
Date of birth 09.12.1988
Born in 1988
Size 168
Nationality Brazil
Position Midfielder,Central midfielder
Club Old Actonians FC
A-National player no
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Views 9010
Alex Bernardes

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Past Teams: Craque do Futuro (the team where Gilberto Silva used to play before Clube Atletico Mineiro), From: 1995 until 2000, Achievements: League Winners season 1996/97 - 1997/98 Reason for leaving the team: had to move to a different city with parents. Clube Atletico Mineiro from: 2001 until March 2001, Reason for leaving the team: Had to move to England. Heybridge Swifts Football Club (Ryman League - Premiership Division) Reason for leaving the team: Personal Matters Current Team(s): Chelsea Kickz AFC Achievements: Third Place in the league (played at Stamford Bridge Stadium) Nabarro Football Club Season 2008/09 (London League - Premiership Division) Old Actonians Football Club since 2006(SAL League 2nd Division) Achievements: Player of the year 2008/09 Top Scorer.

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