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Club Atlético Los Andes (CALA)
Football Association Football Association Argentina
Views 1143
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Other football talents from Club Atlético Los Andes (CALA)
Walter Matias Aparicio  |  Enzo Benítez  |  Oswaldo Enrique Blanco Mancilla  |  Rodrigo Sebastián Bogado  |  Christopher Alejandro Cabral  |  Daniel Correa Casafus  |  Leandro Cruz  |  Carlos Espínola  |  Daniel Ferreyra  |  Daniel Alejandro Franco  |  José Luis Gómez  |  Gonzálo Leonardo Galarza  |  Diego Alejandro Galeano  |  Maximiliano Ariel García  |  Axel Leonel Ibarra  |  Angelo Javier Ibarra  |  Sebastian Krump  |  Marcos Victor López Garay  |  Aldo Leguizamón  |  Matías Alejo Linas  |  Juan Manuel Lovato  |  Federico Markunas  |  Francisco Alfredo Martínez  |  Nicolás Águstín Martínez  |  Águstín Xavier Martino  |  Gaston Eduardo Montero  |  Emanuel Rubén Moreno  |  Saul Sadam Nelle  |  Guillermo Ojeda  |  Águstin Elias Roa  |  Rodrigo Ángel Rodriguez  |  Maximiliano Scapparoni  |  Daniel Roberto Carlos Sosa  |  Daniel Roberto Claudio Sosa,  |  Marcelo Tinari  |  Sebastián Valdez  |  Julián Vivas  |  Javier Angelo Ybarra

The following players are on loan Club Atlético Los Andes (CALA)

The following players are sent on loan Club Atlético Los Andes (CALA)
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