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FK Partizani
Football Association Albania Football Association
Website Football FK Partizani
Views 3950
Club rating 0

Other football talents from FK Partizani
Jurgen Agolli  |  Itohan Aigbékan Noségbé  |  David Atanaskoski  |  Idriz Batha  |  Donald Bejko  |  Mathew Boniface  |  Ergys Buliq  |  Aiden Celaj  |  Marko Cetkovic  |  Eraldo Cinari  |  Fatjon Dervishi  |  Klajdi Drita  |  Dilaver Duka  |  Andrea Duri  |  Nazim Qemal Elshani  |  Arbnor Fejzullahu  |  Realdo Fili  |  Filipe Gomes Ribeiro  |  John Grabova  |  Esin Hakaj  |  Indrit Hithi  |  Alban Hoxha  |  Fatmir Hysenbelliu  |  Renato Hyshmeri  |  Labinot Ibrahimi  |  Ardit Jaupaj  |  Endrit Karameto  |  Kostandin Alex Karriqi  |  Brajan Katroshi  |  Kristi Kotë  |  Gëzim Krasniqi  |  Mateus Levendi  |  Hussein Lukman  |  Behar Maliqi  |  Renato Malota  |  Jurgen Mumajesi  |  Marsel Ndoj  |  Xhino Ngjela  |  Kabiru Nifemi Dumoyé  |  Chinoso Onu  |  Gerald Qeveri  |  Romeo Shahinas  |  Thomas Vassilis Skourtis Shkurtaj  |  Xhevahir Sukaj  |  Bruno Telushi  |  Aldo Teqja  |  Francesko Tirana  |  Agustin Gonzalo Torassa  |  Eugen Zyba

The following players are on loan FK Partizani

The following players are sent on loan FK Partizani
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