
undefined Gregorio Leoncito Jean Paul van der Biezen
Surname van der Biezen
First name Gregorio Leoncito Jean Paul
Pseudonym Chillo van der Biezen
Date of birth 04.03.1996
Born in 1996
Size 177
Nationality Aruba, Netherlands
Position Midfielder,Defensive midfielder
Club SV Britannia
A-National player no
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Views 5698
Gregorio Leoncito Jean Paul van der Biezen

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01/2015: Gregorio van der Biezen nimmt für Aruba an der CONCACAF U-20 Championship in Jamaica teil (Aruba national under 20 football team).

2015: Gregorio van der Biezen spielt für die U 23 Aruba's (Aruba national under 23 football team).

September 2015: Gregorio van der Biezen ist aktueller Nationalspienerl Aruba's (Aruba national football team).

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