
undefined Koami Moise Akpabli
Surname Akpabli
First name Koami Moise
Pseudonym -
Date of birth 11.02.1989
Born in 1989
Size 174
Nationality France
Position Forward,Offensive allrounder
Club Tours FC
A-National player no
Views 14401

Info: 18-year-old young person, formation Sporting fc Togo and first division, promotion of Ségbefia Prince, Abrao Camaladine, Attakora and the other young pronudes junoirs eperviers, powerful middle of ground, spent in Tours fc in 2008, brought by Antoine Dossevi, father of mathieu and dossevi .Surnamed quiet strength the metronome, not indeed convainvu Joué Daniel Sanchez tours tower football. Loved well by David Maraud, he refuses the propositions of several CFA.Son objective turned to the foreigner, to exchange his talent. The talent never dies whatever the bad weather. HE is strong and Good player. (Fremdangabe)

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