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Spartak Moscow
Football Association Russia Football Association
Views 660
Club rating 0

Other football talents from Spartak Moscow
Leo Myenty Janna Abena  |  Said Akhmaev  |  Nazar Aleksandrovich Gordeocuk  |  Mikhail Aleksandrovich Ignatov  |  Dmitri Aleksandrovich Kudryashov  |  Dmitriy Anatol'yevich Malikov  |  Mikhail Badiautdinov  |  Edgar Baghumyan  |  Théodore Bongonda Mbul'Ofeko Batombo  |  Ricardo Luis Chaby Mangas  |  Sergey Chernishuk  |  Sergey Chernyshuk  |  Irakly Chezhiya  |  Georgiy Dzhemalovich Melkadze  |  Ilya Gaponov  |  Levi Samuel García  |  Soslan Gatagov  |  Aleksey Grechkin  |  Ilia Gultiayev  |  Danil Igorevich Prutsev  |  Azamat Jioyev  |  Roman Khodakovskiy  |  Anton Khodyrev  |  Ivan Khomukha  |  Aleksandr Kogonia  |  Aleksandr Kogoniya  |  Artyom Konstantinovich Fedchuk  |  Dmitri Korobkov  |  Oleg Krasilnichenko  |  Vyacheslav Krotov  |  Alexander Laktionov  |  Ilia Leskin  |  Aidar Lisinkov  |  Artem Maleev  |  Stanislav Manev  |  Shamar Amaro Nicholson  |  Ted Ntirubuza  |  Oston Rustam oğly Ŭrunov  |  Nikolai Olegovich Rasskazov  |  Andrey Olegovich Yeshchenko  |  Sergei Pesyakov  |  Artem Rebrov  |  Vladislav Rizhkov  |  Rahim Sadikhov  |  Aleksandr Sergeevich Kozlov  |  Andrey Shakhkeldyan  |  Ippei Shinozuka  |  Alexey Skorniakov  |  Pablo César Solari Ferreyra  |  Alexander Stepanov  |  Ilia Sukhoruchenko  |  Georgy Tamazovich Dzhikiya  |  Soslan Totrazovich Dzhanayev  |  Boris Tsygankov  |  Manfred Ugalde  |  Nail Umyarov  |  Valentin Vinnichenko  |  Aleksandr Vladimirovich Maksimenko  |  Vladimir Yuryevich Zubarev  |  Maksim Zhitnev  |  Anatoliy Zikov  |  Roman Zobnin

The following players are on loan Spartak Moscow

The following players are sent on loan Spartak Moscow
Pavel Alekseyevich Melyoshin  |  Nikolai Olegovich Rasskazov  |  Aleksandr Sergeevich Kozlov  |  Pavel Yevgenyevich Maslov
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